Yunnan Autumn “Qiu Hong” Black Tea:
Autumn sweetness from Jingmai Village
“Qiu Hong” means “Autumn Red”. This 2023 Autumn batch of Yunnan Shai Hong unveils a remarkable sweetness. This tea originates from the Jingmai Old village in Lancang, Yunnan, at an altitude exceeding 1400 meters. Unlike its tender spring tea, the autumn tea leaves exhibit a larger, more mature appearance with prominent stalks. While the autumn tea’s appearance may not possess the same tender allure as its spring counterpart, its true beauty lies within its unparalleled sweetness, making it a treasure to be cherished.
The distinctiveness of Jingmai tea lies in its sharp and prominent aroma, coupled with a captivating “wild forest flavor.” This characteristic essence has captured the hearts of tea enthusiasts, particularly those seeking the sweetest black teas. Crafted through a sun-drying process, this ancient tree black tea presents a gentle and smooth texture that unfolds with layers of sweetness.
What is the differences between Shai Hong and Dian Hong?
Yunnan sun-dried black tea (also known as Pu-erh Shai Hong) is a famous kind of Yunnan Black Tea, which is commonly known as Dian Hong. In a broad sense, Shai Hong is a kind of Dian Hong, but it is not exactly equivalent to Dian Hong, as they are different in the production process.
Shai Hong and Dian Hong are both processed from the fresh leaves of Yunnan big-leaf tea, which have been withered, rolled, and fermented. The difference is the last drying process. Dian Hong is baked at high temperature, while Shai Hong is naturally dried in the sun.
Compared with high-temperature roasted and dried Dian Hong, because Shai Hong is naturally dried in the sun, it retains part of the activity of the enzyme, and the later transformation is better, so it has a longer shelf life than ordinary black tea, it can still taste good after being stored for 2-3 years. The tea polyphenols and other substances that can be transformed later, so its quality may also get better as it ages like Pu-erh tea.
In terms of taste, Shai Hong and Dian Hong both have their own merits. Compared with Dian Hong, the taste of Shai Hong is not as strong as Dian Hong, but it is more mellow and has obvious sweetness with an elegant floral and honey notes. Dian Hong tea is dried and baked at high temperature, which emits most of the grassy notes, intensifies aromatic substances, so it taste stronger with an intensified honey and malty notes.
Weight per pack: 25g
Harvest Time: Autumn 2023
Tea Farm Location: Jingmai Old Village, Pu’er, Yunnan
Tasting Notes: fruity, honey, sweet
Dry leaves appearance: big leaves, brown, twisted shape with golden pekoe in between
Tea Liquor Colour: orange-red colour